Spring/Summer 2019 Events
Lane ESD is involved in a lot of great things this winter and spring! Download the Spring/Summer 2019 Events newsletter to find out more!

Curriculum Leaders – Who are we?
The Curriculum Leaders (CLs) is a professional learning community of educators from all 16 districts in Lane County in partnership with higher education and professional organizations in Lane County. (more…)
Spring/Summer 2019 Events
Lane ESD is involved in a lot of great things this winter and spring! Download the Spring/Summer 2019 Events newsletter to find out more!
Winter/Spring 2019 Events
Lane ESD is involved in a lot of great things this winter and spring! Download the Winter/Spring 2019 Events newsletter to find out more!
Curriculum Leaders | October Update
Save the DATE: Tuesday, October 16 at 9:30 am.
At our next Curriculum Leaders’ meeting on October 16, district leaders will share strategies and activities which support their efforts towards improving student attendance and curbing chronic absenteeism. The emphasis will be on best practices and strategies presented on September 18 by Ross Davis, regional ODE Chronic Absenteeism Coach. The strategies range from being mindful of how we communicate, recognize, and celebrate the importance of school attendance to going beyond the school walls such as contacting families through social media, scripted phone calls, and visual reminders for tracking attendance. Our goal on this day is for participants to walk away with a rough action plan based on ideas and expertise shared by their colleagues.
If you missed our last meeting, here’s the Curriculum Leaders’ Google Agenda with links to all documents and information from the meeting.
Autumn 2018 Events
Lane ESD is involved in a lot of great things this fall! Download the Autumn 2018 Events newsletter to find out more!
Curriculum Leaders | September Update
Please Save the DATE: Tuesday, September 18 at 9:30 am. At our next Curriculum Leaders Meeting (Part II), we will have a presentation by Ross Davis, Regional ODE Chronic Absenteeism Coach, on the Strategies and Resources to Address Chronic Absenteeism. Read article on Chronic Absenteeism by Superintendent Tony Scurto, which was published in the September issue of the Oregon Family Magazine, “Student Success Starts with Regular Attendance: Local Schools and Communities Are Ready to Help.”
At the August 18 meeting [VIEW AGENDA HERE]the Lane ESD Curriculum Leaders discussed the shifts under Oregon’s new ESSA accountability model and the roll out of a new Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) districts will need to submit by June 29, 2010.
Moving forward, the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) will identify schools to receive Comprehensive Supports for Improvement (CSI) and Targeted Supports for Improvement (TSI). In addition to tiered model of supports that will be instituted through a partnership between districts and ODE, we can also expect the following: (1) A shift from school level accountability to District level support : This means that Districts will be involved with their schools as they identify areas of growth and supports to make improvement. (2) More comprehensive accountability and identification process; in other words, the identification of CSI and TSI schools takes a holistic approach by looking at multiple data points or indicators such as:
- Chronic Absenteeism
- English Language Arts (ELA)/Math Achievement
- ELA/Math Growth
- English Learner (EL) Progress towards Proficiency
- 9th Grade-on-Track
- 4-Year Graduation
- 5-Year Completion
Under the new plan, ODE will also require all districts to submit a Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) no later than June 28, 2019. One new domain under this plan will require districts to provided evidence of progress in the area of teaching and learning. This is referred to as “Well-Rounded, Coordinated Learning Principles,” which include:
- Student-centered & Relational Principles for Learning
- Materials & Practices to Inform Instruction
- Cultivate Academic Success
- Data-Informed Decision Making
- Provide Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
- Inclusive Policy & Practice
In the next coming months, Lane ESD’s School Improvement Team is committed to keeping you informed of new developments coming from ODE and providing you with resources to support you through this process.
Curriculum Leaders | June Update
A word of gratitude: On behalf of our School Improvement Team (Instruction, Equity and Partnerships), I’d like to extend a warm thank you to each and every Curriculum Leader and Superintendent who participated in this year’s meetings and symposia.
Here are a couple of updates since our last meeting on May 15 (SEE AGENDA HERE):
- Next Steps: Our team has already begun to devise a strategic plan in response to the input we received from you during our visits to your districts and the discussions during meetings at the ESD. See Curriculum Leaders Report, which contains bright spots, areas for future collaboration, and for continued support.
- Save the Date: Tuesday, August 21 will be our first kick off Curriculum Leaders Meeting. We will be sharing with you the topics that will be addressed this coming year and the new structure of these meetings.
GREAT RESOURCES FOR YOU AND YOUR STAFF: The resources (see links below) address some of the most relevant education topics we are currently grappling with. Each “Spotlight” contains multiple 1-page articles that drill down on a specific topic, which could be used as a close read activity for individual and group reflection to get your staff meetings started with an instructional focus!
- Rural Education: Course choice, college advising, teacher workforce, TAG students and more.
- Response to Intervention: Multitiered Systems of Supports, Trauma Informed Schools, Restorative Practices, Welcoming Schools, and much more.
- Equity: Teachers and the digital divide, addressing race and equity in the classroom, positive school climate, implicit bias, and more.
See you in August!
Curriculum Leaders | May 15, 2018
Dear Curriculum Leaders, I want to thank you for your participation in the monthly meetings and symposium series you selected for the 2017-18 school year. In our next Curriculum Leaders’ meeting on May 15, we will present to you the themes, suggestions and ideas for this coming school year based on the CLs’ discussions that we had during the January and March meetings.
Also on this day, Heidi Larwick (Director, Connected Lane County) and I will be sharing a brief report, which contains a summary of conversations she and I had with all 16 superintendents and their leadership team. The focus of our visit was primarily to hear from district leaders how Connected Lane County and Lane ESD staff could support their hopes, plans and aspirations for their students in the area of Instruction, CTE/STEM, and other educational plans such as attendance, middle school to high school transition programs, etc.
A theme that you asked us to consider is to coalesce around common educational challenges and come together to think critically and creatively on how to best to go about leveraging our resources and expertise. Your suggestions align clearly with the concept of “shifting from isolated impact to collective impact,” and this is not merely a matter of encouraging more collaboration, it requires a systemic approach that focuses on the relationships between organizations and the progress toward shared objectives.
We look forward to a rich conversation on May 15th.
Summer 2018 Events
Lane ESD is involved in a lot of great things this summer! Download the Summer 2018 Events newsletter to find out more!
Curriculum Leaders | February 20
Instructional Topic | Next Generation Science Standards
- Addressing NGSS course sequencing at the high school level, by Nicole Duncan of Albany School District
- Shifts in state assessment, presentation by Bryan Toller, an ODE Assessment Specialist
- Professional development opportunities to improve NGSS Implementation, by Maddy Ahearn
- Display of NGSS-friendly Curriculum. CLICK HERE TO VIEW COMPLETE AGENDA.
Resources | Contact Maddy Ahearn
STEM Equity | Assessment |
Professional Development
Course Sequencing & Curriculum Selection |
Winter 2018 Events
Lane ESD is involved in a lot of great things this winter! Download the Winter 2018 Events newsletter to find out more!