Next Generation Science Standards | NGSS

How do you present a convincing argument WHY it’s necessary to prioritize science education, particularly at the elementary level? What are the major tenants of the NGSS instructional shifts, and how do these shifts impact the teaching and learning of Science? These are the questions that Lane County educators discussed at our last Curriculum Leaders’ Meeting on November 15th. The discussion was facilitated by our guest Science Specialist Paul Hanson from the Hillsboro School District, Science TOSA and OSTA Director Region 1, alongside with Bob Curtis, Lane ESD Science Specialist.  View Google Slides that contain NGSS Instructional Shifts and Science Adoption Process

Other Resources:

  • NGSS Overview for Principals
  • The NGSS Playbook includes background, action steps, and resources needed to guide and support the implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) within your district or school, and among teams of teachers. This tool will give you implementation ideas, examples of best practice from the field, look-fors of quality science instruction, suggestions for integrating science instruction with the Common Core State Standards (English Language Arts and Math), and strategies for attending to equitable instructional and assessment practices: Culturally Responsive Teaching Guidelines.
  • All Standards, All Students. What can classroom teachers do to ensure that the NGSS are accessible to all students; hence the title: “All Standards, All Students.” Successful application of science and engineering practices (e.g., constructing explanations, engaging in argument from evidence) and understanding of how crosscutting concepts (e.g., patterns, structure and function) play out across a range of disciplinary core ideas (e.g., structure and properties of matter, earth materials and systems) will demand increased cognitive expectations of all students.
  • Step by Step Curriculum Adoption Process
  • Oregon Instructional Materials in Science: ODE Website
  • 2016 ODE Science Publishers Approved Contacts