On January 16, the department of Instruction, Equity and Partnerships is hosting an information sharing and gathering convening exclusively for Curriculum Leaders from Lane ESD Component Districts. We invite you to come and share with us and with each other your questions, concerns and needs. Our job (Lane ESD Staff) is simply to “host the topic, gather information, make sure folks have equal air time when giving their input, and keep the conversation going.” As we have done in the past, you are welcome to join us for networking, coffee, and pastries at 9:30 am. Meeting starts promptly at 10:00 O’clock and ends at 11:30. SEE FULL AGENDA

The following are proposed topics for discussion.

  • Re-evaluate symposium topics, structure of the symposium and informational meetings
  • Where are you on NGSS Implementation? What would you like offered in the February Symposium?
  • What would you like to see showcased at April’s/STEM/CTE Summit?
  • Measure 98 – Districts’ Update (What’s working for you, challenges, etc.)
  • Skillful Teaching, feedback from prior participants, future needs, Spring offerings?
  • Math K-12 PD needs/wishes
  • Future CTE Teacher Recruitment: Needs, tactics, strategies.
  • Beginning CTE teacher instructional support
  • PD or PLC groups for CTE teachers
  • MediaNet Services (Media Library, Science Kits, STEM/CTE resources, etc.)
  • Health and PE Curriculum Adoption – Who’s adopting? Mandatory PE hours?
Every other month, we will continue to host symposium-style meetings to discuss Instructional topics similar to the symposia we have held in the past. Coming UP:
  • February 20 Symposium Instructional Topic: Planning for Successful NGSS Implementation
  • March 20: CLs Information Sharing/Gathering
  • April 17: Annual Lane ESD and Component Districts CTE/STEM Summit
  • May 15: CLs Information Sharing/Gathering
Thanks again for your collaboration!