A word of gratitude: On behalf of our School Improvement Team (Instruction, Equity and Partnerships), I’d like to extend a warm thank you to each and every Curriculum Leader and Superintendent who participated in this year’s meetings and symposia.

Here are a couple of updates since our last meeting on May 15 (SEE AGENDA HERE):

  • Next Steps: Our team has already begun to devise a strategic plan in response to the input we received from you during our visits to your districts and the discussions during meetings at the ESD.  See Curriculum Leaders Report, which contains bright spots, areas for future collaboration, and for continued support.
  • Save the Date: Tuesday, August 21 will be our first kick off Curriculum Leaders Meeting. We will be sharing with you the topics that will be addressed this coming year and the new structure of these meetings.

GREAT RESOURCES FOR YOU AND YOUR STAFF: The resources (see links below) address some of the most relevant education topics we are currently grappling with.  Each “Spotlight” contains multiple 1-page articles that drill down on a specific topic, which could be used as a close read activity for individual and group reflection to get your staff meetings started with an instructional focus!

  • Rural Education: Course choice, college advising, teacher workforce, TAG students and more.
  • Response to Intervention: Multitiered Systems of Supports, Trauma Informed Schools, Restorative Practices, Welcoming Schools, and much more.
  • Equity: Teachers and the digital divide, addressing race and equity in the classroom, positive school climate, implicit bias, and more.


See you in August!